This beautiful woman needed some head shots and I was more than happy to help out. The light pouring through the windows was amazing. Thought I would share just a few.
The last few days you may have noticed something you have not seen in quite a while. Yes folks, that bright ball you have been seeing in the sky is, in fact, the sun. I know it has been quite some time since you have seen it and may have forgotten what it looked not panic. It is back!
I could not be more pleased with the whole situation. After a long winter of cold and dark and inversions, I have been longing for warmth and sunshine. Even if it is not quite warm enough to break out the shorts and flip flops, I am content just to have some sunshine. I had to take some pictures just to prove the sun was out in all its brilliance this weekend! (Please take note that there is NO SNOW on the ground!)